Wednesday, June 27
boredom is evil
step 1 get job
step 2 make money at job
step 3 pay bills
step 4 buy yarn
step x after everything else go all crayola on the hair
ps--don't you love how just about anything can be turned into a predicate adjective? i do.
Tuesday, June 26
head goes all splodie...*whimper*
Aaaaaaaand...I think I'm going to have to take a class on Fair Isle this fall because can't be healthy to lust after a handful of pixels. However I can completely rationalize becoming emotionally attached to a bunch of knotted wool. And I'm okay with this.
(PS...blogger formatting is REALLY starting to piss me off...does anyone else have this problem? Maybe now I'll finally use my HTML for Dummies book for more than decoration. Then again maybe not.)
Saturday, June 23
okay, okay...
The Rules:
Go to Wikipedia and type in your birthday (only the month and day). Find three events, two births, and one holiday that occured on your birthday. Then tag five friends. Sounds easy, no?
My birthday is March 8 (Pisces)
1. 1618 - Johannes Kepler discovers the third law of planetary motion
2. 1917 - The February Revolution breaks out in Russia
3. 1918 - The first case of Spanish flu occurs, the start of a devastating pandemic.
1. Don Carlo Gesualdo, 1560-1613
2. Aidan Quinn, b.1959 (yum)
1. International Women's Day (well, not in the US we don't have this one...but we should...hell, everyday should be International Women's Day!)
I tag...
anyone who wants to do a meme...
Oh! And I tag my secret sock pal should she read this...
i'm excited can you tell? :) yesterday at thursday with tammany (no andrew though he was apparently in chicago...and that's okay because last thursday he was a little on the annoying side sad but true...doesn't quite get that we thursday (yes thursday is now a verb) to relax and chill and hang out NOT to get all stressed about work things) i cast on breeze from knitty so i'm on my way! woooo!
sock plan for summer of socks:
- breeze from knitty already cast these on with knit picks essential in navy...this would be the frogged baudelaire yarn
- pomotomus from knitty in swtc tofootsies (squee) for my sockpal (shh don't tell!)
- more monkeys from knitty (i love knitty don't you)
- gothic spire by cookie though this might make my head go splodie)
- rainy day socks from magknits
- sodera knee high socks
- more fun than cables socks
- guitar man socks for dad in knit picks essential in black because my dad for some reason doesn't think he'll wear lime green socks...heh heh he will if i make them!
okay i think i should finish all these before i try to add more to the list...oy i might be dead by the end of the summer but my feet will be warm and pretty :D peace out!
Tuesday, June 19
no idea where this came from but there it is
she's my guardian, my balm, my sounding board, my center, my inspiration, my conscience, my savior, my best friend.
it makes me sad that i would (and do) take advantage of her and that i'll never be able to repay her for everything she gives and does for me. and that i seem to be having my teenage rebellion phase in my twenties.
i miss my mom. which is bizarre given she and i argue about something or the other (healthy arguments, mostly) within fifteen minutes of meeting. but really, when i grow up and have children i want to be to them what my mom is to me. i don't think that happens very often and i wonder why i'm so lucky to have that relationship.
so on this, the day after father's day, i am thankful for my mother.
(i guess my dad will have to wait for mother's day for his sappy post)
Monday, June 18
Whos' done with the napkin? I'm done with the napkin!
I know, took me long enough. Even so...Tammany and I agreed that two half-finished projects equaled one done project...and I don't care if that's cheating. Just deal with it. Ha!
So the projects I finished...
1. Menehune Cobblestone socks from Crystal Palace in Dream in Color Smooshy Wisterious
2. Modified sport-weight Jaywalker anklets by Grumperina in Zen Strings Aloha
3. Frogged Button-Up wristlet things from Crystal Palace in Lambspun of Colorado yummy yarn in this melon color...kind of sad because it's 55% mohair and I seem to be allergic. :(
4. Felted Clogs from FiberTrends in Cascade 220 (I'm counting this as 75% done) and Roza's Socks from Grumperina in Claudia Handpainted Earthdot (working on the leg of the second sock)
Can I just repeat
Oh, and even better, one of the LYS is going out of business so everything is 50% off...Okay that's not really a good thing for them but for me it is (yo=broke).
50% off addi turbos anyone?
Oh, and I suck at this scarf circle thing...very first send-off and I'm late. :( Hopefully I'll get that out on Tuesday...that's only four days late...that's not THAT bad right? Oh well. I'll not suck on the next send-off, how about.
I think I'm going to be making myself a lot more anklet sock things...they're fast, I can get about two pairs of them per skein and they're definitely more summer-friendly. However, I am planning Eunny's entrelac knee-highs from Interweave for the winter...I'm probably nuts for wanting (okay, needing) to make these. Oooo, and Rhiannon by Cookie. That one too. And anyone else think that Vinnland from the Anticraft would make great knee-socks?
PS...someone fix my left index finger because for some reason it hurts...if you know why, please share. I'd love to know how I managed to injure myself without noticing.
Okay all for now...the job hunt continues.
(will post pictures as soon as i have enough money to buy film and develop said film or get steal Tammany's camera because mine rides the short bus)
Wednesday, June 13
everything explained and COMPLETE loss of on
Warning: probably plenty of T.M.I. in this post...just letting ya know
Okay, high school I was diagnosed with This was after a year of seeing a bajillion doctors and having them each diagnose something new...pseudo tumor and hepatitis (not like the bad ones...just means a virus of the liver) after a liver biopsy with NO effective anaesthetic and plenty of other stuff that I've blocked out. Okay. Diabetes. I can handle that.
So that was sophomore year in high school-ish.
Anyway, years go by...and I'm able to control everything with just diet. Hormones suck in many ways but at the time they seemed to have settled down. I was off meds and boy did I feel sooo much better without them. Thanks to them I'm allergic to the sun and often have GI issues. (See? There's the TMI.)
So that was about a year and half, maybe two years ago. I stopped testing my blood sugars about four months ago (which in retrospect was not the best choice but no lectures please). I was feeling probably the best I had in years (with no meds, coincidence?) and all the female plumbing had started to work again (more TMI).
So then things aren't going so well. I'm tired, thirsty, and peeing all the time. I'm hungry an hour after I eat but I'm not gaining weight. I didn't really notice until I went home and drank a three-liter bottle of water in a day and a half. I tried to test at home but had no seemed okay to leave it to when I got back to Indy. Again, probably not the best choice but oh well. I get home and my numbers are OFF THE FREAKING CHARTS. I have never in my life had numbers this high. So, thank you hormones.
So I took a trip to the local urgent care clinic (because really I shouldn't have numbers that high ever...that means something is really wrong) and they started to freak out which I was figuring would happen but you know how you always foolishly have a small reserve of hope that it's really not that bad...maybe my strips are bad or my meter's broken...or I had stuff on my fingers when I tested...34 times. Hey, it could happen. But now. Fears confirmed. The nurse lady was really nice, gave me a hug, and explained that I would have to go to the hospital's ER next door because this was a problem that needed to be fixed. That's okay, I kinda knew that was coming. Still sucks though.
Just FYI, when numbers are that high, they need to come down NOW. That said, I will continue.
This is what should have happened. I should have been seen immediately as per my special rush paperwork and the fact that the nurse called over to let them know I was coming. I should have been tested again, poked for blood work, and hooked up to a saline and insulin drip. Then they should have kept testing me every-so-often to be aware of my numbers.
But of course, that's not what happened. This is the complete loss of faith I was talking about. Yeah, complete loss of faith in the emergency medical field. The urgent care people, great. ER, NOOOOO. I was made to wait for about half an hour before I saw someone (and the accident victims wouldn't arrive for another hour so I know they weren't busy). Then I had to ask/beg/cajole/yell at them to freaking test my blood. The doctor wasn't even going to do blood work. Um, hello?!?!? I was not given insulin, which while that's not my idea of fun was probably a good idea. So I left with a prescription for an exorbitant amount of drugs and a HIGHER BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL THAN WHEN I SHOWED UP. Anyone see a problem with this?
So, pretty much my sugars are sky high and I'm acidotic and no one is smart enough to do anything about it. That's right. While the people who can help are playing paper football at the nurse's station, my kidneys and liver are eating themselves. I'm happy about this, of course. Stupidity runs rampant and this is apparently not a problem. In fact, one nurse told me that it was a better idea for me to see them in the ER where they did nothing than to go to an endocrinologist WHO ACTUALLY UNDERSTANDS AND IS CERTIFIED TO TREAT DIABETES. Stoooopid.
I don't know. I'm sure I'm leaving out a lot of stuff but I'm still plenty pissed off a day later. I'm taking the drugs they prescribed yesterday but my body barely makes any insulin so my sugars are still way too high. But at least I have an appointment with a REAL DOCTOR in two weeks.
Moral of the story, in the past four months or so, as my plumbing starts to work and all the hormones re-level themselves, my pancreas has all but stopped making insulin and I'm now treading a fine line between Type II and Type I diabetes. I'm excited. But at least that explains everything...the fatigue, thirst, headaches, hunger, emotional ups and downs. So hurray. That's all. I'm still pissed beyond belief at the horrible standard of treatment I received. Yesterday was in no way a good day. Feel bad for my mother who got to hear me cry over the phone about all this. Repeatedly.
And I'm still feeling like crap.
The end.
(wow there was a lot less TMI in this than i expected!)
Friday, June 8
today's tarot card...definitely reflects today's sunny-ness
You are The Sun
Happiness, Content, Joy.
The meanings for the Sun are fairly simple and consistent.
Young, healthy, new, fresh. The brain is working, things that were muddled come clear, everything falls into place, and everything seems to go your way.
The Sun is ruled by the Sun, of course. This is the light that comes after the long dark night, Apollo to the Moon's Diana. A positive card, it promises you your day in the sun. Glory, gain, triumph, pleasure, truth, success. As the moon symbolized inspiration from the unconscious, from dreams, this card symbolizes discoveries made fully consciousness and wide awake. You have an understanding and enjoyment of science and math, beautifully constructed music, carefully reasoned philosophy. It is a card of intellect, clarity of mind, and feelings of youthful energy.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Thursday, June 7
same tarot card as before but less scary
You are The Moon
Hope, expectation, Bright promises.
The Moon is a card of magic and mystery - when prominent you know that nothing is as it seems, particularly when it concerns relationships. All logic is thrown out the window.
The Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. This is a card that has to do with sleep, and so with both dreams and nightmares. It is a scary card in that it warns that there might be hidden enemies, tricks and falsehoods. But it should also be remembered that this is a card of great creativity, of powerful magic, primal feelings and intuition. You may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial; if you have any past mental problems, you must be vigilant in taking your medication but avoid drugs or alcohol, as abuse of either will cause them irreparable damage. This time however, can also result in great creativity, psychic powers, visions and insight. You can and should trust your intuition.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Wednesday, June 6
apparently i'm a scary tarot card
You are The Moon
Hope, expectation, Bright promises.
The Moon is a card of magic and mystery - when prominent you know that nothing is as it seems, particularly when it concerns relationships. All logic is thrown out the window.
The Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. This is a card that has to do with sleep, and so with both dreams and nightmares. It is a scary card in that it warns that there might be hidden enemies, tricks and falsehoods. But it should also be remembered that this is a card of great creativity, of powerful magic, primal feelings and intuition. You may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial; if you have any past mental problems, you must be vigilant in taking your medication but avoid drugs or alcohol, as abuse of either will cause them irreparable damage. This time however, can also result in great creativity, psychic powers, visions and insight. You can and should trust your intuition.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Sunday, June 3
it would be nice to just be able to TALK to dog doesn't talk back...and if she does that's when i finally have myself committed. this may happen yet. also, would be nice to talk to someone MALE. love tammany and everything but geez. i think the final straw for tonight (i'm going to bed early because of le frustration...grr) is that eharmony pretty much rejected me. screw 'em. and i don't have $40 to waste on that
so now i'm bored, frustrated with life, and lonely. also it would be nice if the men i talked to weren't LOSERS. i'm sorry, but being the bag boy at your local supermarket for 9 years...while your perseverence and dedication to your store is somewhat admirable...*shudder*. i think i'll pass. sorry, but i'm not yet that lonely.
but yeah, almost done.
the napkin of doom can kiss my ass. i went and shamelessly bought 2 circular needles so i can finish one of my projects on the napkin. yep, i've decided needles don't count. oh well. but really. these socks were a pain in the butt and now i can't get enough of them on the circs. woo.
that's it. peace out.
(oh and did i mention i'm major pms-ing right now and oreos are my new best friend? woo.)
the problem with her is she lacks the power of conversation but not speech.