Saturday, June 23


the pictures above are: monkeys in cth earth, ochre/saffron hand-dyed sock yarn by yarntart, my scarf for scarf circle III, modified sport-weight jaywalker anklets (by grumperina) in zen strings aloha, and menehune cobblestone socks (from crystal palace) in dream in color wisterious



i'm excited can you tell? :) yesterday at thursday with tammany (no andrew though he was apparently in chicago...and that's okay because last thursday he was a little on the annoying side sad but true...doesn't quite get that we thursday (yes thursday is now a verb) to relax and chill and hang out NOT to get all stressed about work things) i cast on breeze from knitty so i'm on my way! woooo!

sock plan for summer of socks:

okay i think i should finish all these before i try to add more to the list...oy i might be dead by the end of the summer but my feet will be warm and pretty :D peace out!

1 comment:

the problem with her is she lacks the power of conversation but not speech.